Kenoch Emmuliv Health Supplement is an herbal preparation made from local plants in Ghana used traditional for boosting the body’s immune and has hepato-protective effects. Emmuliv is fortified with plant based minerals and vitamins needed by body for proper function. Plants used in the formulation of Emmuliv has been used traditionally for restoring liver function and helping the body fight diseases.
Kenoch Emmuliv Health Supplement contains saponins, reducing sugars, phenolic compounds and polyuronides as its phytochemical constituents.
Active ingredients: Vernonia amygdalina, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides, and Phyllanthus niruri
Indication: General well being and Liver Support
Predicted therapeutic actions by individual active ingredients: Antilithic, antiviral, antiprotozoal, hypoglycaemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, carminative, choleretic, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, laxative, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge, digestive, antihepatotoxic, antifungal; antihelminthic; antimalarial; antioxidant; antipyretic
Dosage and administration:
Adults: Take three (3) tablespoonful (45ml) three (3x) times daily after meals
Children (12-17): Take two (2) tablespoonful (30ml) three (3x) times daily after meals
Adverse effect: Report suspected adverse reactions to Kenoch Herbal Services or the nearest FDA (
Warnings /precaution: Not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and persons under 12 years. Should be taken two (2) hours before or after any orthodox medication as a precaution.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, children under 12 years
Interaction with foods and drugs: Food has no effect on this product but may potentiate the effects of drugs with hypoglycemic effect when taken together. There is no such effect when taken an hour apart.
Over dosage/management: Over dosage may occur after taking a dose greater than 5000mg/kg but 1ml of Kenoch Emmuliv Health Supplement is equivalent to 0.27mg. In case of over dosage the patient is to be hydrated and symptoms managed. Visit the nearest hospital or contact the FDA ( or the manufacturer.
Details of manufacturer: Kenoch Herbal Services, P.O.Box 19373 AN-Accra. House No. 11 Block E, Sector 1, Abuoso- Techiman. Email: Tel/whatsapp: +233-501382125/+233-542397057
GPS: BT-0039-4581
Storage and handling: Store in a cool dry place protected from direct sunlight.

One Thought to “Kenoch Emmuliv Health Supplement”

  1. Zigah Stephen

    Please what’s the English name for NSUKAM

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